Before *tomorrow* becomes *today*

Read through all steps before beginning. You’ll need about 5-7 minutes.

  1. Sit down and close your eyes. Get settled into wherever you’re sitting.

  2. Take a slow, deep breath in. Hold it for a few seconds, then let it out slowly. Repeat.

  3. Relaxing your whole body, begin to breathe normally. Focus your thoughts. Answer the following questions in your mind.

What will tomorrow be like for me?

What energy will I allow to enter my personal space?

What energy will I allow to leave my personal space?

How will I stretch myself to do something outside of my comfort zone? (Even if it’s just a little bit.)

What positive quality will I practice? (For example: kindness, patience, compassion, etc.)

You could just let tomorrow happen and wait to see how it goes. Or you could decide how it’s going to go.

The choice, as always, is yours.


Now read this

It’s not the words

One morning, about four years ago, it was absolutely pouring torrential rain outside. I had been rushing around that morning to get out of the house (evidence of my formerly awful time management), and had had a particularly stressful... Continue →