My inner judge…

…has been yelling at me a lot this week. Positively screaming in my ear all week long.

Here are some things she’s been saying:

You’re not writing enough.

People are going to stop caring what you have to say.

The ideas you have aren’t interesting/engaging/good/funny etc. enough.

You’re being too slack around your business.

And on and on. And on. Every minute it seems like there’s a new statement from Judge Judy (so unoriginal, I know, but it works).

Guess what? It’s all BS.

It’s not real.

Not for me, anyway.

I don’t believe her. I think she’s lying to me to get me all riled up.

Well, that’s not going to work!

See because if I believe even for one second that she’s right, that my ideas aren’t ________ enough, that I’m being too slack, that people will stop caring what I have to say, then she will be right.

Yes, I realize she is me. I get it.

The thing is, however, that I don’t have to believe her. I may listen to her, I may hear what she’s got to say, and I still don’t have to believe what she’s saying. That’s still my choice.

I appreciate her, though, because she helps me remember to stay out of The Judgement Zone (which is almost as awful as The Comfort Zone).

Case closed.


Now read this

8 powerless words to give up using

Let’s get right to it - here they are: Can’t Should (The frequent use of this one usually ends up with people “should"ing all over themselves.) Shouldn’t Try But More (When it comes from lack; for example: "I need more time.” If you’re... Continue →