Don’t believe everything you believe.

Once upon a time there was a young girl named…Laura. (A bit anticlimactic, I know.) Laura once thought that she had very little value in the world, and so she allowed herself to be continually run over by others, letting them intimidate her and make her feel inferior. As a result, Laura came to believe that she was “less” of a person than others around her; that somehow, she was a “no one”, when everyone else was a “someone”.

This is what she believed. And this belief impacted absolutely everything she did (and didn’t do). It caused her to live a very stressful life, always wanting what she didn’t have (but thought she “should” have), and wishing she were “more popular” and “cooler”.

What Laura didn’t realize, though, was that her beliefs were causing her to create this reality for herself. And in this reality, she didn’t matter. She wasn’t worthy of having confidence or self-esteem. She always struggled.

One day, during her 30th year of life, she came to understand that her reality was actually whatever she said it was. So, based on her beliefs, she could shape her reality accordingly. If she believed that she was worthy of love and having others care about her, that is the reality she would create for herself. She would naturally surround herself with people who loved and cared about her, because she believed that she was worthy of that. She would also accept that love and caring much more readily when it did present itself.

Likewise, she realized that if she believed she was *un*worthy of others’ love and caring, that she would end up isolating herself, and that would yield its own set of results.

The bottom line for Laura was that in order for her to change something in her life, she needed to stop believing what she believed, and start believing something different.

So she did.

And from then on, whenever she heard anyone say, "It’s all in your head,” she smiled and agreed.

The End.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts;
your thoughts become your words;
your words become your actions;
your actions become your habits;
your habits become your values;
your values become your destiny.”



Now read this

Think you can handle having good habits?

Here is one thing about which I am 100% certain: The success of my life depends in very, very large part on the habits I create for myself. Likewise, the success of your life depends in very, very large part on the habits you create for... Continue →